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zephyr da otter

A member registered Nov 09, 2023

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the atmosphere of this game is terrifying. even after saying the gray dude multiple times and being high level, he indicts a terror response and i always go into a corner before fighting him. it may be in part that the only noise aside from the ambiance is the sound of the enemies chasing you. overall, this would make an amazing horror game.

25 minutes, i relied mostly on alchemy bonuses

i found a glitch: nine planets :D 

you can also no clip by using the grappling hook and pressing down EXACTLY after. i love exploits.

liiiitle late to the party on the bug reports though. my bad.

the double jump can be used as a triple jump if you hold down space and then press it again. also, the moving platforms, when touching the ground, you can use to no clip.